Tuesday, 19 May 2009


Hello everyone,

Just a quick note to let you all know that my old Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/s.php?k=100000080&id=1508200338&sid=2b72d8ede07ef523ba5a852fd9894173) has been reactivated, so I will be using that one again.

I have been working hard on (teehee) my project recently, as I only have 17 days until the deadline, so will be posting up a lot more stuff in the next couple of days. One of the things that I have been working on is the diary that I have been keeping during the project and I will begin to upload parts of it in the next day or so.

I have also just begun to realise how many of you got in contact with me and how incredibly crap I was/have been about replying to all the messages. It seems incredibly rude; something I want to stress I never intended to be, however the project took off so quickly and had so many responses to it, that I got behind on replying to everyone. I am working through emails at the moment, so you will get a reply, albeit a slightly belated one.

Alex x

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Marriage Questionnaire

Hello all,

Was just wondering whether or not anyone would mind filling in a short and confidential questionnaire about marriage for my project?

You don't have to be married to fill it it; I'm just interested in finding out people's views on marriage for the research element of my project.

If you wouldn't mind, just send me an email to joyfulcynic@googlemail.com and I will forward you a copy.


Alex x

Monday, 11 May 2009


I know that when I started out, I promised to update this regularly and reply personally to each and every individual email that I was sent, which I will do in due course - honest!

The project has gone really well and I've met some excellent people, both in person an over teh interwebs, though unfortunately it looks like there isn't going to be a wedding before my June 6th deadline. I have narrowed my shortlist down, however the three men on it are all indisposed for various reasons.

I have also taken up internet dating, which has been good so far - not met anyone who was too weird (if anything they've been too normal, but maybe that's just a reflection of my personality rather than theirs) but I've also unfortunately not met anyone suitable for marriage through it.

This for me is going to be an ongoing project and I will continue searching and updating this with my progress.

Thursday, 23 April 2009

So let's try this one again...

I've got a new Facebook account which you can find here -


As before, feel free to add me - I'll try and not get this one disabled...

Tuesday, 21 April 2009


I know, I know; I said I'd be updating much more regularly, but have completely failed to do so; further apologies to all.

The project is going well so far and I have had a great response to it. I will be replying to all the emails I have received over the next few days. I've been on a couple of dates so far, which have been nice and have also entered the murky world of internet dating, which is proving fruitful.

Though I've met some great people, I am not sure that I'm any closer to meeting my future husband and think that I may have undertaken a far too a large task! Regardless, I will continue to try to find that special someone in the next six weeks.

As always, please send any feedback, suggestions, possible blind date candidates etc to joyfulcynic@googlemail.com

PS. My Facebook account has been disabled, so if anyone has tried to contact me via that, apologies, but the bastards think that I'm some sort of robot spammer/hacker and so I'm not sure I have a Facebook account anymore...great!

Monday, 23 March 2009

A very enthusiastic thumbs up

Evening all, thank you very much for all your support and emails.

I will be replying to emails, messages etc and update the blog properly over the next couple of day - honest!

Alex x

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Questions I forgot, because I am an idiot

In no particular order...

41. Where would you take me on a date?

42. What are your favourite activities?

43. Are your parents still married?

44. How many sexual partners have you had?

45. Are you good in bed (be honest!)

Questionnaire for all potential husbands and/or the terminally bored

This is an amalgamation of questions, shamelessly stolen from various dating websites. Feel free to answer as many or few of the questions as you like and don’t hesitate to ask me any questions if you have any of your own.


1. Where we you bought up?

2. What do you do for fun?

3. What would your ideal Sunday consist of?

4. Where would you like to go on holiday?

5. Have you ever been travelling?

6. What are some of your favourite things?
7. (Food, places, etc)

8. Can you cook?

9. What is your favourite food?

10. Do you read a lot?

11. What was the last book you read?

12. What newspaper do you read?

13. Do you enjoy sports? If so, which ones?

14. What kind of music do you enjoy?

15. Top 5 TV programmes?

16. What is/are your favourite film(s)?

17. How much time do you spend watching TV?

18. How much time do you spend on the internet?

19. Do you play any musical instruments?

20. Do you drink, smoke or do drugs?

21. Do you have pets?

22. How do you feel about animals?

23. Are you religious/spiritual?

24. Do you live alone or with housemates/friends/parents?

25. What level of education do you have/are completing etc?

26. What are your political views?

27. What kind of job do you do?

28. Are you financially secure?

29. Do you have any brothers and sisters?

30. How important is family to you?

31. Have you ever been married before?

32. Do you have children?

33. Do you want (any more) children?

34. Why are you looking for a wife?

35. What would you consider to be your good and bad points?

36. Any what do you think others may consider to be your good and bad points?

37. How would you describe your sense of humour?

38. What do you consider attractive in a woman?

39. What do you consider unattractive?

40. Put these in order of preference:

Looks, Age, Location, Ethnicity, Job stability, Sense of humour, Taste in movies/music etc, Hobbies, Values, Ethics

Please send completed questionnaires to joyfulcynic@googlemail.com or hit me up on FB; I will reply with my answers x

(Sorry, would have posted this as a downloadable file, but I am not good at teh technical wizadriez)

Monday, 9 March 2009


Hi all,

Thanks very much for all the feedback/support/proposals/hate mail etc.

I am working my way through them all as we speak, so apologies if I have not got back to you yet - I will - honestly!

I am currently working on a questionnaire for anyone interested in becoming my husband to fill out. It should be ready in the next day or two, procrastination permitting.

As always, keep the proposals, feedback etc coming - joyfulcynic@googlemail.com

Alex x

Saturday, 28 February 2009


Hey all, apparently there are many Alex Humphreys' on Facebook, so if you want to add me, you can find me at -



Friday, 27 February 2009


Thanks very much for the feedback, comments and emails I've had thus far - keep them coming and add me on Facebook - I'm lurking there under Alex Humphreys - if you want/you're into Facebook stalking etc

(Yes; I am wearing a handmade beard costume in that picture)


While psychic ability is an important skill to have, it is not one that I require my potential husband to have (though obviously it wouldn't be an undesirable skill)

Contrary to popular belief I am not obsessed with height, just 5'9/10 and look silly wandering about with someone shorter than me (see left)

NB. I am obviously wearing 6" heels in this photo...and my friend is short.

Thursday, 26 February 2009


And finally...feel free to send any criticisms, witticisms, queries, feedback etc to joyfulcynic@googlemail.com

Honestly, I'm not mad...

Sorry, just to add:

Another avenue I am keen to explore is blind dating; do you know anyone who fulfils the following criteria and would be willing to date me?

1. Male
2. As tall or taller than me.
3. Sense of humour.

As you can see, I don't ask for much...Any help would be much appreciated!

N.B. Obviously no one is under an obligation to marry me and the idea of marriage may not even be mentioned if not applicable.


Hello and welcome to my blog.

My name is Alex and I am a 23 year student in my final year at art college.

As part of my course we have to complete an FMP (Final Major Project)For mine, I have decided to do something a little bit different and ensure that I am remembered for years to come! I have chosen to focus on the subject of marriage and am going to attempt to find myself a potential husband over the next three months.

I plan to explore many avenues, including speed dating, arranged marriages and of course internet dating.

This is something I am really serious about and would love to be able to exhibit a marriage certificate in my final exhibition!

In the words of my housemate...

"Alex is unique to say the least. She's pretty funny, with a fairly dark sense of humour. When she wants something she gets it at any cost, or any number of strongly worded letters. She loves strongly worded letters. She has a very strong personality that's either really addictive or a bit intimidating, and is very caring towards the people she loves, but probably wouldn't let them know.

She puts chilli and garlic in everything she eats and goes a bit weird on coffee. She's my number one source for weird websites and articles and has a penchant for kitsch - particularly Jesus memorabilia. Her washing always smells good even though she has a cigarette in hand about 25-30% of the day, which is pretty weird.

The advice I'd give to potential candidates would be never to disturb her if she's reading the paper or watching The Hills and don't be surprised if you have to compete with the cat for affection.

Otherwise go for it. She's alright"

Er..and in my own words:

Hello, I enjoy sitting about, reading Jilly Cooper novels, fabulous moustaches, wearing hats, good spelling and grammar, nice typography, Charlie Brooker, b3ta and collecting novelty Jesus memorabilia. I love socialising with friends, going to the cinema, visiting the pub, travelling, reading and relaxing and enjoy films and walks in the park and all that jazz too.